Diagnosis and Treatment of Phagophobia: A Review


Baijens, L. W., Koetsenruijter, K., et al. (2013).

Dysphagia, 28(2), 260-270.

This narrative review investigates the management of phagophobia, or the inability and/or fear of swallowing without an objective or physical cause, in adults, 18 years and older. This review highlights conclusions regarding dypshagia assessment which is within the scope of speech-language pathology.

Not stated

Through March 2013

Published studies (not further specified)


Insufficient evidence was found to make comparisons across studies. However, the review indicated that "a clinical evaluation of the swallowing apparatus via instrumental assessments such as [fiberoptic endoscopic evaluation of swallowing] (FEES), [videofluoroscopy] (VFS), and manometry and well-defined and reliable outcome variables by a speech and language pathologist and a physician, both specialized in dysphagia, combined with the expertise of a psychiatrist using validated psychometric assessment tools can reduce the duration of the diagnostic period" (p. 269).