Chin Tuck Against Resistance Exercise for Dysphagia Rehabilitation: A Systematic Review
Journal of Oral Rehabilitation
Park, J.-S., & Hwang, N.-K. (2021).
Journal of Oral Rehabilitation, 48(8), 968-977.
This systematic review investigates the effect of the chick tuck against resistance (CTAR) exercise on swallowing-related outcomes in healthy adults and in adults status post stroke.
Not stated
2010 to December 2018
Peer reviewed studies excluding case reports and expert opinion articles
Findings demonstrated significant improvements in swallow function following use of the chin tuck against resistance (CTAR) exercise in individuals with dysphagia status post stroke. These improvements included increased laryngeal elevation, epiglottic closure, and pharyngeal clearance, with overall improvements in the oral and pharyngeal phases on the videofluoroscopic dysphagia scale. Use of the CTAR exercise was additionally associated with improvements on the penetration-aspiration and functional oral intake scales. Reduced number of studies investigating the effects of CTAR, heterogeneity between tools utilized to perform the CTAR exercise, and heterogeneity in outcome measures are limitations to this review. Further research is indicated.