Critical Factors in Reading Comprehension Instruction for Students With Learning Disabilities: A Research Synthesis

Learning Disabilities Research & Practice

Kim, W., Linan-Thompson, S., et al. (2012).

Learning Disabilities Research & Practice, 27(2), 66-78.

This review investigates the effects of reading comprehension strategies and interventions on reading comprehension in middle school students, grades 6-8, with learning disabilities.

Not stated


Experimental study designs; quasi-experimental study desigs that included a control or comparison group


Eight studies examined the use of instructional cognitive strategies (e.g., summarizing strategies, identifying main idea, story retelling) to improve the reading comprehension skills of students with learning disabilities. Medium to large effect sizes were noted on comprehension test scores across studies with main idea, summarization, and targeting underlying structures to be most beneficial strategies for this population.

Of the 14 studies found, 6 examined the effects of instructional modifications (i.e., use of graphic organizers) to improve the reading comprehension skills of students with learning disabilities. Overall the results were mixed; some studies reported large effect sizes, while others reported little to no effects between intervention and control groups, with effect sizes not maintained at follow up.