Interventions for Dysarthria Due to Stroke and Other Adult-acquired, Non-progressive Brain Injury

Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews

Mitchell, C., Bowen, A., et al. (2017).

Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, 1, CD002088.

This updated systematic review investigates the effects of interventions on dysarthric speech in adults with non-progressive dysarthria following acquired brain injury.

The Cochrane Collaboration; National Institute for Health Research (United Kingdom)

Up to 2016; see p. 7 for specific dates

Randomized controlled trials


Although the population of interest was acquired brain injury, nearly all participants in the five included studies were post-stroke. Limited evidence suggested that dysarthria interventions might have "an immediate beneficial effect on impairment level measures" (p. 2) such as maximum phonation time or lip and tongue movements. Evidence was not strong enough to make conclusions about clinical practice.