Dual Language Development & Disorders: A Handbook on Bilingualism and Second Language Learning, Third Edition
Dual Language Development & Disorders: A Handbook on Bilingualism and Second Language Learning, Third Edition
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Updated with the latest research and recommended practices, this book gives a broad audience of professionals the clear and comprehensive information they need to promote positive outcomes for young dual language learners and make informed decisions about assessment and intervention when a disorder is present.

Readers will get up-to-date guidance on a wide range of key topics, including

  • recognizing the typical stages of second language learning,
  • supporting development in both languages,
  • distinguishing a language delay from a language disorder,
  • planning culturally appropriate interventions, and
  • addressing reading disorders in bilingual children.

The book was developed by three influential experts on bilingual language development and is aligned with Head Start guidelines on cultural and linguistic responsiveness. It will guide professionals to help young dual language learners thrive—both at home and in the classroom.

400 pages, softcover

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Product Information

Item #(s): 0113860
Client Age: Children
Format(s): Books
Language: English
Author: Johanne Paradis, PhD, Fred Genesee, PhD, Martha B. Crago, PhD