Roadway Traffic Noise: A Public Health Opportunity for Audiologists
Roadway Traffic Noise: A Public Health Opportunity for Audiologists
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This SIG 8 activity summarizes the existing knowledge regarding auditory and nonauditory health outcomes of roadway traffic noise. Sources of roadway noise, theorized impacts on the auditory system, systems of measurement, and proposed policy and public health solutions are reviewed. The authors describe how audiologists fit within broader public health efforts to address noise exposure in the population.

Learning Outcomes
You will be able to:

  • define roadway noise exposure and the associated auditory and non-auditory heath consequences, with attention to audiology’s role in public health initiatives to reduce the impacts of noise exposure.

Assessment Type
Self-assessment—Think about what you learned and report on the Completion Form how you will use your new knowledge.

Articles in This Course

  1. Auditory and Nonauditory Risks Related to Roadway Traffic Noise: An Overview for Audiologists by Sarah E. Warren and Karen L. Bell, published in SIG 8, Volume 8, Issue 2, April 2023

Continuing Education

8/29/2024 to 8/29/2029

Product Information

Item #(s): S08102968
Client Age: All Ages
Format(s): SIG Perspectives
Language: English

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