School-Age Language Intervention: Evidence-Based Practices—Second Edition
School-Age Language Intervention: Evidence-Based Practices—Second Edition
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This book addresses the fundamentals of being an SLP in the schools—including service delivery, assessment, the foundation and framework for intervention, and federal rules and regulations. It explains the major populations that a school SLP encounters: people with developmental language disorder, reading disability, or autism, as well as dual language learners. Evidence-based guidance for intervention is provided for vocabulary; grammar; and narrative, expository, and classroom discourse. The final section specifically addresses the written code and the cognitive underpinnings needed for reading, writing, and academic success.

The contributors ground practical assessment and treatment strategies across oral and written domains of language and related abilities in evidence-based theory and research. The book addresses the wide and complex world of the school SLP—including service delivery, rules and regulations, and major student populations.

5743 pages, softcover
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Product Information

Item #(s): 0113890
Format(s): Books
Language: English
Author: Teresa A. Ukrainetz