With Liberty and Social Justice for All: Part 1
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With Liberty and Social Justice for All: Part 1
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This SIG 1 activity addresses social justice issues facing children from cognitive and
linguistically diverse backgrounds. The first article provides a foundational understanding
of translanguaging in order to expand and broaden our definition of multilingualism and
reframe how we think about Black Language in schools. The second article investigates
the conversational language profile of children in low socioeconomic environments and
analyzes how results may vary by dimensions of language (i.e., vocabulary, grammar)
and socioeconomic environment (e.g., maternal education, income). The third article
explores how school-based speech-language pathologists describe their therapeutic
relationships with culturally and linguistically diverse students. The last article challenges
clinicians and educators to push past the deficit perspective toward multimodal
communication and apply educational justice and equity practices with modally
marginalized individuals.
You will be able to:
- define “translanguaging”
- summarize how conversational, functional, and everyday language differs
from academic language in children from low socioeconomic environments
- describe the concept of cultural humility and how speech-language
pathologists can use cultural humility to facilitate therapeutic relationships
with culturally and linguistically diverse students
- explain the three components of the Translanguaging in AACtion framework
about what you learned and report on the Completion Form how you will use your
new knowledge.
in This Course
- Black Languaging IS Translanguaging: We Not Just Talkin Bout It, We Bout It Bout It!
by Chelsea Privette and Karina R. Saechao,
published in SIG 1, Published online Jun 26, 2024
- The Conversational Language Profile of Children in Low Socioeconomic Environments:
A Systematic Review by Kylie Helm and Claire Selin,
published in SIG 1, Published online Jul 29, 2024
- Keepin' It Real With Relationships: Cultural Humility and Therapeutic Relationships With
Culturally/Linguistically Diverse Students by R. Danielle Scott,
published in SIG 1, Published online Sep 11, 2024
- Translanguaging in AACtion: An Expansive Approach to Multimodal Communication
With Augmentative and Alternative Communication Users by Karina R. Saechao,
Chelsea Privette, and John Kim, published in SIG 1, Published online Jan 7, 2024