CE Courses / 0.85 - 2.0 ASHA CEUs

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5 Products

Rare Diseases and Disorders: SLP Assessment and Intervention
Event Dates:9/18/2024-9/30/2024
Format(s): Online Conference
This online conference provides information on several rare diseases and disorders, focusing on the speech, language, hearing, feeding, and swallowing implications, so SLPs can feel prepared when you encounter a child or adolescent with one of these conditions.
Using a Strengths-Based Approach in Schools
Event Dates:10/16/2024-10/28/2024
Format(s): Online Conference
This online conference focuses on leveraging your strengths as an SLP along with the unique strengths of your students. Gain practical insights and strategies that you can implement right away to boost student engagement, foster collaborative relationships, and enhance overall student success.
Evidence-Based Practices to Improve Assessment of Dual Language Learners
Format(s): Journal (Online)
SLPs are tasked with evaluating dual language learners (DLLs), often without speaking the language the child uses most. This journal self-study explores emerging practices that SLPs can use to improve overall assessment quality and outcomes when working with diverse DLLs.
Effects of Aging on Audition
Format(s): Journal (Online)
This journal self-study course is composed of papers from the 7th Aging and Speech Communication Conference (April 2019). The articles cover a range of topics about speech processing in normal aging, including changes in auditory pathways and cortical structures in older adults with and without hearing loss; the relationship between cognitive skills and hearing performance in older adults; speech perception of older and younger adults when certain linguistic factors are manipulated; and age-related effects of processing accented speech in native and non-native speakers.
Statistical Methods in Speech, Language, and Cognition Research
Format(s): Journal (Online)
This journal self-study course is composed of papers from a 2019 Research Forum, Advancing Statistical Methods in Speech, Language, and Hearing Sciences. These selected articles provide advanced-level discussion about clinically relevant statistical methodologies to give speech-language pathologists a stronger foundation from which to analyze and understand the statistical research they come across to decide when and how to apply it in practice.

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