Event Date: 3/5/2025
Live Webinar
Whether you work in a clinic, academia, research lab, or other work setting, you can incorporate hearing conservation--i.e., hearing loss prevention--into your services. This live webinar (March 5, 2025, 2-3 p.m. ET) will discuss the breadth of hearing conservation services-including risk assessment, prevention and protection, and testing and monitoring-that audiologists can use to evaluate patients for possible adverse effects of occupational and/or recreational noise exposure.
Event Dates:5/2/2025-5/3/2025
In-person Event
ASHA has partnered with the Cleveland Clinic to bring you a unique, in-person, collaborative learning experience based on its mastery of intensive care unit (ICU) management. This event is an opportunity to hear directly from other professionals in the ICU and increase your knowledge and confidence so you can elevate your role on the team and maximize your effectiveness.
Trauma-informed care is a newer topic within the field of speech-language pathology. This session identifies how to recognize trauma in the school setting and identify when a student is dysregulated, and explores language to address trauma that helps reduce possible harm and retraumatization.
On Demand Webinar
Drawing on key findings from learning science and andragogy, this course presents practical and proven tips and strategies to help adults gain and apply new knowledge and skills effectively. It also exposes some common misunderstandings about how humans learn and highlights the essential role of motivation, effort, and time in durable learning.
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On Demand Webinar
Whether you work in a clinic, academia, research lab, or other work setting, you can incorporate hearing conservation--i.e., hearing loss prevention--into your services. This on demand webinar (available beginning March 7, 2025) will discuss the breadth of hearing conservation services-including risk assessment, prevention and protection, and testing and monitoring-that audiologists can use to evaluate patients for possible adverse effects of occupational and/or recreational noise exposure.
On Demand Webinar
This webinar is for audiologists and SLPs who are currently supervising-or planning to supervise-students, clinical fellows, or other professionals, as well as for supervisees. The speaker will review relevant parts of the ASHA Code of Ethics that directly relate to supervision, discuss common ethical dilemmas that can arise during the supervision process, and walk through a critical-thinking process to address these dilemmas. You will walk away with tools to recognize and address ethical situations involving supervision and strengthen the ethical decision-making skills of the individuals you supervise.
SIG Perspectives
In this SIG 20 activity, authors provide ways for clinicians to improve their ability to
actively cultivate and improve their counseling skills. Caron et al. discuss increasing
resilience in medical clinicians. McGrath and Schultz explain how to improve the
therapeutic alliance when working with rehabilitation clients. Pagano et al. describe how
to improve counseling self-efficacy.
On Demand Webinar
This on demand webinar will provide audiologists and SLPs with an overview of trauma-informed care, culturally responsive teaching practices, and tips for engaging adolescents. The presenters will discuss evidence-based strategies for meeting young adults where they are and supporting their social-emotional needs.
On Demand Webinar
This on demand webinar will discuss ways that SLPs can incorporate mindfulness in a variety of treatment contexts with patients to improve voice, fluency, speech, cognition, and communication. The presentation will include case studies as well as a short mindfulness practice opportunity.
SIG Perspectives
This collection of SIG 15 Perspectives articles involves a myriad of contemporary issues related to the professions, including the impact of retirement on mental health; gender differences in self-reported oral health-related quality of life; and the relationship between social networks and poststroke communication outcomes.
SIG Perspectives
This SIG 11 Perspectives course addresses the necessity of a community-informed, strengths-based approach to health care service provision for individuals with communication disorders, and the impact of relationally focused reflections on improving conflict-handling skills in graduate speech-language pathology students.
SIG Perspectives
The three articles included in this SIG 18 Perspectives course represent the diverse work settings and populations served through telepractice. The first article evaluates an in-person and telepractice-delivered parent-mediated intervention for autistic children. The second article investigates the administration of an assessment for auditory processing disorders via in-person and telepractice delivery. The third article describes a systematic problem-solving approach for conducting aphasia assessments via telepractice.
On Demand Webinar
Would you like to provide educational audiology services in a school setting but are unsure where to start? This on demand webinar will share essential information for audiologists considering this type of service provision. The speakers will outline key considerations and steps to create an effective, efficient, and self-sustaining program.
On Demand Webinar
Under ideal conditions, children with hearing loss receive services from both a clinical audiologist and an educational audiologist to support their unique needs. Collaboration between these professionals is critical to the success of these children, and this on demand webinar will discuss overcoming obstacles that may interfere with this partnership. The presenters will explore barriers and practical solutions to collaboration challenges such as difficulties with cross-professional communication, staffing concerns in schools, and more.
SIG Perspectives
This SIG 5 Perspectives course contains articles that discuss the psychosocial impacts of craniofacial care on patients and their caregivers. The articles include a literature review highlighting pediatric medical traumatic stress (PMTS) and findings of a survey examining how psychosocial barriers impact patient and family compliance with home exercise programs (HEPs).
On Demand Webinar
Audiology and speech-language pathology clinicians and students with disabilities have lived experiences that shape their perspectives as current and future professionals. Part of the role of the supervisor/clinical educator is to learn, listen, and empower. This on demand webinar will explore how supervisors/clinical educators can recognize the individual needs of clinicians/students with disabilities and create an affirming and productive clinical/educational environment.
On Demand Webinar
In this on demand webinar, two members of the ASHA Board of Ethics will provide an overview of the ASHA Code of Ethics and adjudication process as well as highlight commonly asked questions about ethical issues surrounding audiology practice. The speakers will discuss case scenarios and answer participants' questions. The webinar will be applicable to audiologists at any career stage as well as audiologists in training.
On Demand Webinar
This on demand webinar will discuss foundations for clinical supervision in audiology settings. The course is designed for audiology clinical instructors and preceptors with any level of supervisory experience and who work in any audiology setting. The speaker will provide suggestions for structuring successful clinical learning opportunities as well as recommendations for supervisors in outplacements as well as academic settings.
On Demand Webinar
This on demand webinar will cover what audiologists and SLPs need to understand about the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) and the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA). Speakers will identify who is subject to these laws as well as their regulatory and other compliance requirements. Learners will gain insights into the basic principles of both laws as well as potential pitfalls. Case studies will explore practical scenarios illustrating compliance challenges and strategies.
On Demand Webinar
SLPs are often underutilized in home health (HH) care settings despite the value they bring to patient care and outcomes. With the recent expansion of Medicare's home health value-based purchasing (HHVBP) model, the need for SLPs will only increase. This on demand webinar will discuss the critical role SLPs play in the reimbursement structure of HH, in achieving the objectives of HHVBP, and as part of the interprofessional care team.
On Demand Webinar
SLPs who work in home health care settings face many unique challenges, especially when their patients are medically complex. This on demand webinar will examine the multi-faceted role of the SLP when treating these patients. The speaker will discuss special considerations and barriers, including dysphagia management, in this unique practice environment.
On Demand Webinar
SLPs who work in home health care have the unique opportunity to practice person-centered and culturally responsive care in the most functional setting possible: the patient's home. This on demand webinar will explore what person-centered and culturally responsive care looks like, why it matters, and how to do it. The course will highlight practical takeaways, including how to increase self-awareness and practice mindfulness even when you're busy.
On Demand Webinar
This introductory-level course will provide an overview of working with adult patients in the home health care setting. The speaker will share the basics of SLP reimbursement and regulation in this unique care setting, along with recommendations for assessment and treatment with a functional focus. The on demand webinar will discuss clinical decision-making strategies and suggestions for documentation as well as special considerations for SLPs in the home health care setting, such as safety, counseling, and self-care.
Micro Course
While clinicians may know the fundamentals of evidence-based practice (EBP), many struggle to implement EBP in real-world situations with their clients. Often, this is due to limited research, a lack of high-quality research, or the absence of a clear takeaway from external scientific literature. In this course, participants will learn more about these obstacles and strategies to overcome them. Learning how to navigate these barriers will assist clinicians in making patient-centered and evidence-based clinical decisions.
This course is the third in a series of micro courses on Evidence-Based Decision-Making, which use clinical scenario activities to help you to sharpen your EBP skills.
Micro Course
SLPs and audiologists alike may struggle to implement evidence-based practice (EBP) into their daily practice because they simply don’t have the time or resources to keep up with a rapidly growing research base. ASHA’s Evidence Maps serve as a time-saving, free, online tool that provides clinicians with a quick synopsis of synthesized research related to clinical practice. New and experienced users of the Evidence Maps will learn the ins and outs of features and navigation via a case study and guided practice to better locate and assess relevant research evidence to integrate into clinical decision-making.
Micro Course
Audiologists, speech-language pathologists, and assistants strive to provide client-centered, evidence-based care, but they may have questions: What is considered evidence-based practice (EBP)? How do I make an evidence-based clinical decision? Are there tools for simplifying the EBP process? This course illuminates EBP concepts and guides you through clinical scenario activities while highlighting free, time-saving ASHA EBP resources and tools, such as ASHA's EBP Toolkit. Learn new strategies and bolster your evidence-based decision-making skills.
On Demand Webinar
Are you curious about opening or growing a private practice that goes beyond hearing aid sales and service? How do you develop a knowledge base on practice management topics rarely covered in our specialized graduate education? This on demand webinar will explore a range of considerations for audiology private practice, including tips for business management and administration, working with insurance companies, considerations for staffing, and planning for growth.
On Demand Webinar
This on-demand conversation features SLP Sean Sweeney, who discusses visually cued instruction, an evidence-based practice that uses photos, drawings, and other images to target a variety of client needs. This conversation is a follow-up to the webinar A Picture Is Worth a Thousand Words: What SLPs Can Do With Images.
SIG Perspectives
This SIG 11 Perspectives activity addresses the productivity impact of SLPs supervising student clinicians in medical settings and explores graduate students' perceptions of their experiences participating in simulated learning experiences during the pandemic.
On Demand Webinar
Trauma-informed care is a patient-care model that acknowledges the prevalence of trauma and its impact in our society. By incorporating trauma-informed practices, we can increase patient engagement and efficacy of care. This on demand webinar examines the basic tenets of trauma-informed care, suggests modifications audiologists can make to daily practices, and shares resources for patients and providers.
SIG Perspectives
This course contains two articles: one that discusses health care disparities and the need for better communication access for people with hearing loss, and one that addresses the potential role of audiologists in screening for cognitive impairment.
On Demand Webinar
This on demand webinar is intended for audiologists who are interested in how ethical practice issues relate to their work. The speaker will provide an overview of the theories of ethics, their application to the audiology profession, and sample case analyses to illustrate ethical decision-making.
On Demand Webinar
This on demand webinar is for SLPs in early intervention who support families of children with both language and social-emotional delays. The webinar explores evidence-based strategies for supporting social-emotional skill development, examines the impact of grief and trauma on parent engagement and language, explains attachment styles, and shares strategies for building parent capacity.
On Demand Webinar
How can I know if the hearing aid is good quality? What is the point of real-ear verification if I can't adjust the hearing aid settings? How can I know if the features in the hearing aids work? How should I counsel a patient in how to best use their devices? This on-demand webinar explores practical methods for evaluating and fitting OTC hearing aids to optimize outcomes for all patients, regardless of their technology level.
On Demand Webinar
The profession of audiology is going through a period of transition. With new disruptions such as over-the-counter (OTC) hearing aids, it can be challenging to determine what service and billing model may best meet the needs of your patients and your practice. This on demand webinar explores the pros and cons of bundled and unbundled models, reviews how audiologists can evaluate their existing service delivery model, and outlines the process of transitioning to a new model.
On Demand Webinar
The dynamic profession of audiology includes unique settings and equipment, some of which introduce safety concerns, such as communication challenges specific to working in an isolated space. These challenges are important to address in view of increased violence in the health care workplace. Audiologists may lack information and resources to discuss and address their unique concerns. This on demand webinar discusses safety concerns, advocacy strategies, and resources, with a goal of identifying solutions to create a safe environment for yourself, those receiving care, and your fellow employees.
On Demand Webinar
In the evolving environment of over-the-counter hearing aids, big box stores, and changing reimbursement, should audiologists charge differently for hearing aid services? This on demand webinar explores why itemizing services or providing a hybrid model of service delivery could be beneficial, how this model was implemented at one medical center, and how to determine what to bill.
This session explores how school-based SLPs can provide students in remote areas with services that are of equal value and effectiveness as those they provide to students in larger population centers. Speakers share resources and service delivery options to empower SLPs to provide and promote remote service delivery.
This course is a recorded session from the 2022 ASHA Schools Connect online
SIG Perspectives
The three articles in this SIG 18 activity were selected to provide information on the
present and future of telepractice service delivery from the perspectives of current
speech-language pathologists and graduate student clinicians.
The first article by Page, Hughes, and Woody investigates the initial perceptions
of graduate student clinicians following the implementation of telepractice. Findings
reveal themes including comparisons between in-person services and telepractice
regarding learning technology, managing environmental distractions at home, and
caregiver involvement.
The second article by Douglass, Lowman, and Causey-Upton provides a metaanalysis study on clinicians’ perceptions of telehealth across disciplines within
rehabilitation and other allied health fields. Several themes are identified, including
acceptance, lack of telehealth training, and the flexibility of telehealth.
The third article by Edwards-Gaither, Harris, and Perry presents a viewpoint for
the future of telepractice in speech-language pathology. Challenges and opportunities
for the longevity of telepractice service delivery are discussed, including consensus on
telepractice terminology, designating a service delivery model, and exploring telepractice
occupational culture.
This session from ASHA's 2021 Schools Connect online conference provides a wealth of strategies, tips, and tools for SLPs to increase their skills in conducting group intervention sessions via telepractice. The presenter highlights evidence-based practice recommendations as well as common sense strategies for making these recommendations work in the real world.
SIG Perspectives
This SIG 11 Perspectives activity addresses the use of single-subject design in clinical education and supervision. In this article, the authors highlight the suitability of single-subject experimental design (SSED) to clinical practice research, particularly within supervisory settings. This practical tutorial provides examples of SSED and suggests possible research topics relevant to clinical education and supervision.
SIG Perspectives
This course contains four articles that address current demands in geriatric care, including impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic and the shifting demographics reflecting an aging population.
On Demand Webinar
Many clinicians find themselves responsible for supervising students, externs, clinical fellows, other clinicians, or support personnel, but have little or no training on clinical education and supervision. This course presents an updated version of the nine core "building blocks" that are essential elements of every supervision experience.
SIG Perspectives
This SIG 11 Perspectives activity addresses aspects of clinical supervision and administration beyond the “Big Nine” clinical competencies. In the first article, the author discusses the significance of emotional resilience and provides practical strategies to encourage resiliency in supervisees. The second article explains the significance of cultural competence and the value of open conversations within supervisory relationships. Finally, the third article highlights key skills used in intentional and reflective supervision.
On Demand Webinar
Many clients need help adjusting to their communication challenge and/or coping with the changes required to help them communicate more effectively. This on demand webinar examines counseling in the context of speech-language pathology practice and shares skills and behaviors SLPs can use to effectively engage in counseling with all types of clients.
SIG Perspectives
These SIG Special Topics articles provide guidance to current and future researchers in communication sciences and disorders about how to maximize the clinical impact of their research. Utianski et al. describe clinical practice research and the current barriers to it, while highlighting initiatives researchers can take advantage of. Douglas et al. define knowledge brokering and outline the roles of organizations and individuals who take on that job. Then, Davidson and colleagues offer researchers concrete steps for using social media to enhance impact. Finally, Nicholson and Smith review both traditional science impact metrics and alternative metrics and offer concrete recommendations for documenting clinical impact for use in one’s CV or career advancement materials.
This course discusses finding a starting place for on-the-job change to address the challenges that COVID-19 presents to patient treatment. The speaker explores how changes related to the pandemic impact your clinical practice, your role in health care, and how you conduct business, as well as actionable next steps you can implement in your workplace.
This session describes the social determinants of health-defined by the World Health Organization as the conditions under which people live, work, learn, and play-and explains how patients' health and well-being can be viewed as a socially constructed phenomenon. The session explores the role of systems of oppression and location of position in generating health inequities and uses current evidence about the interplay between the COVID-19 pandemic and the social determinants of health to help participants develop strategies to intervene to improve their patients' quality of life and promote health equity.
Clinicians across professions-including two speech-language pathologists, an occupational therapist, and a physical therapist-address interdisciplinary care during the COVID-19 pandemic. They discuss challenges clinicians in the long-term acute care setting have faced and review some of the modifications they have made to address these challenges, as well as implications for patient progress and discharge planning.
Far-reaching advancements in medicine and technology, coupled with the catalyst of the COVID-19 pandemic, have catapulted telepractice into the forefront of clinical care. This session reviews the rise of telepractice, how it has created a lifeline for patients during the pandemic, and how SLPs can optimize its use across the continuum of care to best serve our patients.
The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted a long-standing imperative to address patient-provider communication and inequities in health care settings. This session explores the barriers to effective patient-provider communication and shares potential solutions to these challenges. The speakers discuss the landscape of augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) at health care institutions and highlight the need for collaboration, emergency preparedness, and future-oriented planning.
This session introduces the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) quality data and presents a person-centered, holistic approach to treating long COVID in post-acute care. The speaker discusses risk factors and clinical presentation of long COVID with a view toward appropriate care.
This session reviews the basic pathophysiology of COVID-19, with an emphasis on respiratory, swallowing, and cognitive issues, as well as a discussion of infection control approaches. The speaker also reviews the long-term conditions associated with COVID-19.
This session explores dysfunctional breathing that might underlie or complicate long COVID symptoms as well as how to identify and treat it. The speaker discusses assessment and treatment of dysfunctional breathing using evidence-based tools and integrative breathing therapies.
The COVID-19 pandemic has had a profound impact on health care and rehabilitation. SLPs are now treating large numbers of patients who were hospitalized for COVID-19. Meanwhile, another group of patients have emerged-those who experienced relatively mild cases of acute COVID-19 but now present with long COVID, a puzzling and debilitating set of symptoms. This session highlights patient experiences with COVID-19 and its aftermath and what clinicians have learned to date in treating these two groups of patients. The presenter identifies the gaps in care, the challenges that these patients face, and how we can best serve them going forward.
Journal (Online)
The articles in this journal self-study explore the effects of remote audiology and speech-language service delivery for children during the COVID-19 pandemic. The articles identify and describe experiences with remote service delivery, discuss the impacts on children, and focus on what has been learned. The articles highlight future research and practical takeaways audiologists and speech-language pathologists can use to provide and expand quality services via telepractice moving forward.
Best Seller
Ethics is an often-forgotten portion of evidence-based practice. Although not a distinct part of the triad, ethics play an important role in every decision. This session provides practical applications of the tenets of the ASHA Code of Ethics, with focus on the concept of competence.
Journal (Online)
The articles in this journal self-study explore research related to various aspects of hearing health and care during the COVID-19 pandemic. Specific topics include: supporting individuals with tinnitus, teaching students about noise-induced hearing loss, and understanding pandemic-related disruptions to hearing abilities and care. Audiologists will take away information they can apply as the pandemic and audiology practice continue to evolve.
This course bundle includes three courses that satisfy coursework requirements for
individuals seeking ASHA certification as an audiology assistant or a speech-language
pathology assistant. (These courses are not eligible for ASHA CEUs.)
This course provides an overview of safety precautions for speech, language, and hearing professionals in both health care and school settings. The presenter discusses safe and effective practices and reviews relevant clinical scenarios. The course satisfies the universal precautions coursework requirement for individuals seeking ASHA certification as an audiology assistant or a speech-language pathology assistant. (This course is not eligible for ASHA CEUs.)
This course provides a review of the ASHA Assistants Code of Conduct, which provides a framework and guide to support day-to-day decision-making. The presenter describes each component of the Code of Conduct and highlights clinical scenarios that apply the Code of Conduct. The course satisfies the ethics coursework requirement for individuals seeking ASHA certification as an audiology assistant or a speech-language pathology assistant. (This course is not eligible for ASHA CEUs.)
This course provides an overview of privacy laws affecting speech, language, and hearing professionals. The presenter discusses privacy laws and reviews clinical scenarios in both health care and school settings. The course satisfies the patient confidentiality coursework requirement for individuals seeking ASHA certification as an audiology assistant or a speech-language pathology assistant. (This course is not eligible for ASHA CEUs.)
The practice of mindfulness is more than a fad - it is key to managing stress, improving awareness, and acting with intentionality. This session from ASHA's 2021 Schools Connect online conference provides tools and guides you in building a regular practice of mindfulness. The presenter addresses common misconceptions of mindfulness practice and illustrates how mindfulness can help you respond to difficult situations from a place of nonjudgmental awareness and engagement rather than responding from impulse, overreaction, or habit.
During particularly stressful times, SLPs may wonder if they have chosen the wrong career, should look to switch job settings, or there is any way to manage the ever-growing stress around them. This session from ASHA's 2021 Schools Connect online conference examines where the stress comes from and shares stress management tools, such as mindfulness and self-care, that can reduce and manage this stress, so you can thrive in your work as an SLP.
This course is the first in a set of practical programs that address specific aspects of remote practice (telepractice) in audiology. This initial course explores audiologists' perceptions of barriers to providing telehealth services and introduces the Health Belief Model (HBM) and Transtheoretical model to assess readiness for remote service provision.
The course includes an on-demand recording and a worksheet activity/tool to help you identify needs and barriers as you consider how you can incorporate teleaudiology into your practice.
This course includes two presentations that introduce strategies and tools for remote hearing assessment, including online and smartphone tests of hearing, remote pure tone audiometry, speech audiometry, and evaluation of peripheral and central auditory dysfunction in pediatric and adult populations.
The course is part of a set of practical programs that address specific aspects of remote practice in audiology.
This course demonstrates how Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center is using telehealth applications to address the needs of children with hearing loss during the COVID-19 pandemic and into the future, including remote hearing aid evaluations, fittings, programming, repairs, and functional benefit assessments.
The course is one in a set of practical programs that address specific aspects of remote practice in audiology.
This course presents a methodology that allows audiologists to provide (central) auditory processing testing remotely. The course discusses the advantages, disadvantages, and pitfalls of remote testing as well as technology and other requirements.
The course is one in a set of practical programs that address specific aspects of remote practice in audiology.
This course explores realistic scenarios audiologists may encounter when remotely fitting hearing aids for adults. The course discusses strategies for successful hearing aid fitting via teleaudiology and identifies challenges and how to address them when they occur.
The course is one in a set of practical programs that address specific aspects of remote practice in audiology.
This course provides an overview of policy issues and trends in audiologists' use of telepractice, including an overview of changes to state telepractice law implemented during the COVID-19 pandemic.
The course is one in a set of practical programs that address specific aspects of remote practice in audiology.
On Demand Webinar
Adults who are deaf or hard or hearing, as well as families of children with hearing conditions, often report that they struggle to understand the results of hearing assessments, make decisions about next steps, and convey the outcomes and implications to others. This course introduces the Ida Institute's new conversation guide, My Hearing Explained, a tool to help hearing care professionals (both audiologists and SLPs specializing in hearing care) present hearing test results in a person-centered way and help patients and their families make decisions that are right for them.
On Demand Webinar
Communication and community are tightly connected, but audiologists don't often know how to apply our knowledge and skills to large populations of people. Audiologists can apply public health concepts to promote healthy hearing for people from all walks of life. This course discusses the field’s roots in public health, core concepts of public health (assessment, policy, and assurance), hearing health disparities, and ways to apply these concepts to support healthy communication in our own communities.
SIG Perspectives
These SIG 17 Perspectives articles focus on the impact of the COVID-19 global pandemic on service provision and student training in four global contexts: Cyprus, South Africa, the United Kingdom, and the United States. Topics include the rise of telesupervision, telepractice in speech-language pathology (SLP), and distance learning in Cyprus during COVID-19; the effectiveness of SLP and related service treatment of patients with COVID-19 in an inpatient rehabilitation setting in the United States; the impact and transformation of an SLP university program in South Africa due to COVD-19; and the perspectives of parents/caregivers on SLP service provision during the pandemic for children born with cleft palates in the United Kingdom.
This panel discussion, featuring managers/administrators from skilled nursing facility/home health and private practice health care settings, explores productivity expectations within the framework of the business of health care, recognizing that the three largest costs for any health care business are labor management, infrastructure management, and health care reimbursement.
Many SLPs in health care settings feel as though they are slowly losing “the game” and experiencing career burnout. This session explores moral distress and how it can impact the SLP’s long game. The speaker addresses difficult situations that SLPs confront daily in their health care careers and shares useful tools to get to the root of your moral distress. The session will help you develop a new game plan with strategies to come out with a win.
This session describes health disparities relevant to telehealth access in older adults and individuals who live in rural areas. Presenters highlight resources to help overcome telehealth access barriers with these populations and discuss the clinician’s role in advocacy.
The amount of information available to clinicians is enormous. Type a few terms into Google, and thousands of options appear; post a question on social media, and a plethora of responses emerge. Obtaining information is not an issue, but how do you wade through when there is no consensus? Using examples SLPs encounter in their work in health care settings, this session explores tools for evaluating and analyzing information and developing critical thinking skills.
At some stages in your career, you may ask yourself, “Do I want to be doing this?” This question can start you down a path of personal discovery to find fulfillment in your career. In this session, learn how to identify and communicate your unique transferable skills and talents—i.e., superpowers—to find new opportunities, expand your influence at work, and/or grow your professional brand.
SIG Perspectives
This SIG 11 Perspectives activity presents two unique articles related to enhancing relationships in supervisory and work settings. The first article highlights specific skills sets required for clinical providers and describes primary performance indicators (PPIs) that are critical to building effective working relationships. In the second article, the authors detail the findings of a study on similarities and differences in work ethic among three generations of speech-language pathologists.
School-based SLPs who serve students with severe disabilities face unique challenges related to student outcomes, intervention planning, and workload. This recorded session from ASHA’s 2021 Schools Connect online conference explores ways to support student outcomes while balancing workload concerns. The presenter discusses long-term student outcomes, writing SMART IEP goals, and an integrated intervention approach, as well as strategies to implement these ideas in your workplace.
School-based SLPs who serve elementary-age students juggle many changing responsibilities. This recorded session from ASHA’s 2021 Schools Connect online conference shares helpful online resources to stay organized and efficient while navigating multiple service delivery scenarios.
Journal (Online)
Even before the COVID-19 pandemic required clinicians to rapidly adapt their practice for remote service provision, researchers were already exploring effective telehealth approaches for audiology. The articles in this journal self-study (selected from a special issue of the American Journal of Audiology, “4th International Meeting on Internet and Audiology”) examine teleaudiology tools and methodologies for hearing screenings, home-based auditory assessment for people who use cochlear implants, assessing hearing aid outcomes using ecological momentary assessment (EMA), and a tool for evaluating hearing aid performance.
On Demand Webinar
Busy SLPs need solutions that support quality care within the time and resources available to them every day. Collaboration with speech-language pathology assistants (SLPAs) can maintain the integrity of services and continuity of care for patients, clients, and students and allow the SLP to practice at “the top of their license/certification.” However, for many SLPs, the thought of supervising an assistant comes with questions and concerns. This on demand webinar provides a framework for supervision and a discussion on how to ensure it’s a collaborative relationship for all stakeholders.
Best Seller
It’s not a matter of "if" but rather "when" the school-based SLP assumes the role of a supervisor. This course explains the key elements of the supervisory process and defines the roles and responsibilities of both the supervisor and the supervisee in the school setting. The speaker discusses relationship development, communication, and the role and influence of supervisory style on supervisee performance and decision-making.
On Demand Webinar
Many school-based SLPs discovered the benefits of telepractice during the rapid shift to remote service provision in light of the COVID-19 pandemic. This on demand webinar discusses the essential components of providing quality telepractice services so professionals can continue providing impactful services in this manner. The speaker discusses advocating for telepractice in your district; relevant legal and regulatory issues; and innovative, evidence-based models for school service delivery via telepractice.
SLPs practicing in health care provide services within a largely for-profit system in the U.S. Consequently, the business needs of health care, challenges related to reimbursement and advocacy, and disparities in health care access have resulted in a need to adapt clinical practice to future trends while rethinking career growth and advancement in the field. This session contextualizes the challenges in the practice of medical speech-language pathology and provides practical ideas to facilitate change in your realms of influence at your job and beyond.
While the use of telepractice for dysphagia management has increased considerably due to restrictions on in-person practice during the COVID-19 pandemic, challenges still exist. This session discusses the remaining barriers to the adoption of telehealth for dysphagia services and ways to overcome them. The speaker explains an evaluation and decision-making process clinicians can use to determine if the adoption of telepractice for dysphagia care is right for them and discusses ways to advocate for and start developing telepractice models of care in a variety of health care settings.
Like many other professionals, SLPs often use social media for the exchange of professional information as well as for personal engagement. Posting of client-related information, uncivil remarks, misrepresentation of services, and/or defamatory claims—whether intentional or unintentional—may cross the boundaries of ethical and legal behavior. This session discusses myths surrounding social media, considerations for posting, and potential consequences of inappropriate use.
This session explores how policy and clinical practice impact each other. The presenters discuss the making of public policy, and how it is interpreted and implemented into clinical practice in health care settings. The presenters also discuss the flip side—how clinical practice itself informs advocacy for shaping future public policy. Learners can think about their professional roles in interpreting policy and advocating for change.
This session provides an overview of the 2021 political and public policy landscape, including issues of importance before the presidential administration, Congress, and the states. The presenter discusses the impact these issues have on the future of the medical SLP and highlights the advocacy efforts ASHA is currently undertaking, empowering participants to advocate for positive change.
SIG Perspectives
This activity presents a variety of topics related to telepractice service provision. The first article offers a case study on the effects of a hybrid telepractice/onsite treatment program for a child who stutters. The following article discusses common technical issues encountered during telepractice and a process for managing them with English- and Spanish-speaking clients. The final article details the findings of a study on integrating technology through telepractice to support clients with dementia.
This session provides insights and resources from two companies that have employed SLPAs in a variety of ways. The speaker discusses the necessity and appropriate utilization of professionals at this level of service and explores ideas for integrating SLPAs in private practice. This is a recorded session from ASHA’s 2020 Private Practice Connect conference.
This session is designed for SLPs from any work setting who are considering serving, or have been asked to serve, as an expert witness. The speakers introduce the role of an expert witness, in contrast to the role of a fact witness, and review the qualifications and distinctive roles and responsibilities of an expert witness, with a focus on relevant laws (e.g., HIPAA, FERPA, IDEA, and ADA). The session—a recorded session from ASHA’s 2020 Private Practice Connect online conference—includes discussion of oral and written communication best practices, as they are fundamental to the role of an expert witness. The speakers also use case studies to highlight key concepts.
On Demand Webinar
In this on demand webinar, an educational audiologist and an SLP discuss using transition resources and collaboration to educate and empower children who are deaf or hard of hearing and their families to build positive educational, social, and post-secondary outcomes. Speakers Carrie Spangler and Lindsay Zombek address central questions such as: How do I expand the child’s support system to build successful transitions? What ages are important for transition success? What tools are available to ensure successful transitions throughout the childhood/adolescence life span?
On Demand Webinar
These courses provide an overview of key knowledge, skills, and competencies required for effective supervision along with a contemporary context that addresses the intersection of supervision with cultural competence, burnout, and effects of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Concrete recommendations and special considerations for adults with complex medical conditions remain sparse. This session shares big-picture strategies to consider when providing care for these patients.
Prolonged hospital stays can impact patients in a variety of ways, having adverse effects on physical, financial, and psychosocial health. This session explores psychosocial impacts such as demoralization and concerning psychiatric symptoms.
Bringing together a group of health care professionals with varied expertise to deliver treatment has been shown to improve patient outcomes. This session discusses the relevance of a multidisciplinary treatment approach for patients with complex medical conditions, with a specific focus on rehabilitation services, providing insight into effective teaming for successful multidisciplinary patient interventions.
This session explores issues facing patients on mechanical ventilation and their care teams. The speaker discusses how a care team comes together to use objective criteria (including decision-making criteria) for patient care regarding placement and weaning from speaking valves. The speaker also discusses special considerations for settings without access to a team approach and when working with children.
SLPs often work with individuals in palliative care to improve their functional abilities related to dysphagia as well as communication, but the SLP’s role in end-of-life processes is more challenging to define. This session explores the unique and rewarding role of the SLP in palliative care and end-of-life processes and describes how SLPs can provide support for swallowing and communication across the continuum of care and with a variety of populations.
Children with complex medically conditions require individualized, high-intensity treatments that require the collaboration of multiple specialists. This session explores common attributes of this patient population and highlights the SLP’s role in managing these patients as part of the care team.
This session outlines the members, roles, and responsibilities of the pediatric intensive care unit (ICU) rehab team and describes areas of collaborative and independent decision-making to maximize the rehabilitative outcomes for pediatric patients across the continuum in the ICU.
Adult and pediatric survivors of critical illness commonly experience post-intensive care syndrome (PICS, or PICS-p in children), consisting of impairments in mental health (e.g., anxiety, depression, and post-traumatic stress disorder symptoms), cognition, and physical function. These impairments are associated with worse health-related quality of life and can persist for years after discharge from the intensive care unit. This session describes the incidence of and risk factors for such symptoms as well as interventions to prevent and manage these impairments.
This session explores the complexities SLPs must account for when treating patients with complicated medical conditions, whose communication, cognitive, and swallowing difficulties are multifactorial. The speaker discusses how SLPs can get a clear understanding of the impact of each medical diagnosis – and the interactions among them – on a patient’s functioning, and how to collaborate with other specialists whose expertise complements SLPs’ efforts. The speaker explores how SLPs can provide thoughtful, systematic scaffolding designed to improve the health and function of damaged tissues/structures and physiologic systems, develop patient independence in the skilled performance of compensations and other behaviors that jump start recovery, and increase a patient’s investment and participation in the process.v
This session addresses rehab considerations for SLPs working with adult patients in the intensive care unit (ICU). Speakers discuss an overview of oxygen delivery methods, optimizing communication and dysphagia intervention for ICU patients, progressing patients with tracheostomy to successful decannulation, and maximizing outcomes for patients with complex medical conditions through multidisciplinary communication and collaboration.
The typically unplanned journey through the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) provides infants and their families with an early experience with interprofessional practice. This session reviews common reasons for an infant’s admission into the NICU, describes the interprofessional team caring for these infants, and discusses the role of SLPs as communication and feeding specialists in the NICU. The speaker examines neonatal abstinence syndrome, its cause, and the latest treatment strategies and outcomes. Finally, the speaker touches on the importance of support and post-discharge care for these patients.
There is no question that emerging technologies such as embedded sensors and artificial intelligence are changing the hearing health landscape. This session will look ahead to the coming decade and explore innovations in hearing health care technology, strategy, and service. The speaker will discuss practical ways to leverage these innovations to be successful in today’s and tomorrow’s dynamic market landscape.
This session will discuss considerations and share tools to help you navigate the evolving audiology coding and reimbursement landscape, including new technologies, third-party administrators, itemization, over-the-counter hearing aids, and the provision of services via telehealth.
The COVID-19 pandemic has turned our personal and professional worlds upside down. Yet, something positive can come from this pandemic if we see this challenge as an opportunity to re-examine what and how we practice. The speaker explores how audiologists can redesign what we do by going back to basics while expanding our practices in new and innovative ways, including embracing new technology (e.g., tablet audiometry, OTCs, and virtual visits) and using new fitting models for hearing aids or implants.