This session focuses on what SLPs can do to support language, literacy, and social communication in children with a history of trauma. The presenter discusses trauma-informed and culturally responsive assessment and intervention planning.
Speech, language, and hearing clinicians are often the first group of professionals that encounter children who have experienced trauma resulting from a history of maltreatment. This session explores the impact that maltreatment and trauma have on brain development, language, literacy, and social pragmatic communication.
SIG Perspectives
This SIG 1 activity addresses how framing early intervention practices to include
partnering with and training caregivers and pediatricians can improve access to
the language and communication opportunities in early childhood. The first article
applies the benefits of the Language Environmental Analysis (LENA) system with
children with cerebral palsy to determine the feasibility of monitoring naturalistic
language patterns during longitudinal mobility intervention. The second article
highlights the importance of monitoring caregiver progress in early intervention
therapy and proposes how to set goals, teach the caregiver language facilitation
strategies using the See and Say Sequence, and measure progress using
various types of caregiver data. The third article explores the emerging role of
speech-language pathologists (SLPs) providing training to improve the use of
developmental screening in pediatric primary care to increase early identification
rates of infants and toddlers.
On Demand Webinar
If you are an SLP who works with middle- and high-school-age students with developmental language disorder (DLD), you might have questions like: What is my role? Where do I start? Should I be targeting written language? How do I support comprehension? This on demand webinar will address these questions and more.
On Demand Webinar
When working with children who are deaf/hard of hearing, including those from diverse backgrounds, SLPs need to focus not only on skill development but also on the cultural context in which literacy skills and practices are cultivated. This on demand webinar will discuss a culturally responsive framework and interactive, multimodal approach to support literacy development in young children.
SIG Perspectives
In this SIG 2 article series, participants explore innovative approaches for supporting the mental health and functional communication of people with chronic aphasia. The first article describes how speech-language pathologists can work collaboratively with other professionals to support the mental health of people with aphasia by outlining multiple evidence-based approaches and interventions. The second article describes a single- subject research study in which script training was employed with a person with chronic nonfluent aphasia to improve his functional communication over two to three therapy sessions with three different scripts. The third article explores the use of co-constructed storytelling to support life participation and identity reconstruction in people with chronic aphasia.
On Demand Webinar
This on demand webinar will define and discuss developmental language disorder (DLD) as it relates to the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) regulations. The speaker will explore curriculum-based language assessment methods aligned to grade-level academic standards and share evidence-based interventions to treat DLD in early childhood and elementary school settings.
On Demand Webinar
This webinar will provide information to help SLPs feel more confident during the challenging process of assessing and diagnosing children with developmental language disorder (DLD). The webinar will define, compare, and contrast the features associated with various assessment tools and discuss the rationale for different assessments. The speaker will address how to select the best assessment instrument for the particular child and how to utilize information gained to inform clinical decisions.
On Demand Webinar
Children with developmental language disorder (DLD) can demonstrate a range of characteristics and challenges, which can appear not only in their language abilities but also in their cognitive and motor abilities. This on demand webinar will give SLPs a deeper understanding of the common characteristics associated with DLD as well as individual differences among children with the disorder. The webinar will share examples of how to tailor vocabulary and reading interventions for children with DLD.
SIG Perspectives
The three articles in this SIG 9 Perspectives course focus on parent-reported ADHD behaviors, fatigue, and language in children who are deaf and hard of hearing; physical activity in children with hearing loss; and massive open online courses for critical medical education related to children with hearing loss.
On Demand Webinar
Students who learn and think differently commonly struggle with academic language knowledge, and class time for single vocabulary word instruction is limited. This on demand webinar reviews key academic language components that influence literacy outcomes, outlines effective strategies to enhance elementary students' academic language performance, and delivers actionable tips for collaborating with educational personnel to support students' literacy outcomes.
On Demand Webinar
SLPs who work in secondary schools have an essential role in helping students with communication disorders develop disciplinary literacy so they can learn and communicate their knowledge in various subjects. This on demand webinar presents strategies and ideas for developing programs and engaging in evidence-based practices that leverage collaboration to help middle- and high-school students learn how to use language strategically to gain and communicate their knowledge.
On Demand Webinar
In this webinar for school-based SLPs, the presenters will discuss the unique needs of middle- and high-school students with language disorders in the context of the "hidden curriculum" of the secondary classroom. The webinar will address how SLPs can empower successful language learning through contextualized language and literacy instruction.
This session from ASHA's 2021 Schools Connect online conference examines how to incorporate written language instruction to enhance language interventions for students with complex communication needs who use augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) systems. The presenter discusses how writing practice using AAC fits into the context of a balanced literacy framework. The session also outlines the benefits of collaborating with occupational therapists.
On Demand Webinar
Deaf children are seen in increasing numbers in public schools and SLPs' private practices, though there are few graduate-level programs that prepare SLPs to work with this culturally and linguistically unique population. This course is intended for SLPs with little to no knowledge of bilingual (American Sign Language [ASL] and spoken language) assessment of children who are Deaf/hard of hearing. The session provides a beginning foundation so that you can approach the assessment of a bilingual DHH child with an increased sense of awareness and tools at your disposal.
On Demand Webinar
Audiologists and SLPs are critical team members who can support listening and spoken language outcomes for students who are deaf/hard of hearing (DHH). This webinar discusses auditory-verbal intervention as an approach for learners who are DHH and learning to listen and/or talk. The presenters explore foundational elements critical for success in auditory-verbal intervention, including audiologic assessment and management, caregiver engagement, and support from interprofessional teams.
Young adults with mild-to-moderate language impairments and low emotional intelligence often struggle to perform independently in mainstream adult settings. This session from ASHA's 2021 Schools Connect online conference discusses language and emotional intelligence skills that help post-secondary students achieve better quality-of-life outcomes. The speaker discusses strategies, activities, and resources that SLPs and their secondary students can use to improve outcomes. The session strives to reaffirm and refine SLPs' capacity to make a positive societal impact by serving this student population.
Coaching can happen anywhere, with any age child, no matter the communication disorder. This session from ASHA's 2021 Schools Connect online conference explores the power of coaching caregivers. The speaker discusses how to train family members and other facilitators to use speech-language intervention strategies with their children to produce better long-term outcomes.
SIG Perspectives
This SIG 1 Perspectives activity focuses on therapeutic interventions related to contextualized language for school-age and adolescent students. Articles discuss intervention to increase motivation while targeting language-based literacy skills; development of collaborative academic conversations in older students with language delays and impairments; semantic reasoning as a vocabulary teaching tool; how a written, graphic, and oral learning strategy can improve comprehension, retention, and expression; and how morphological awareness intervention can be linked to learning academic vocabulary within disciplinary literacy strategies.
This session provides information on morphological awareness and its importance to writing (and reading). The speaker discusses the impact SLP consultations with general and special education teachers can have on students in the classroom. The session includes discussion of specific evidence-based activity examples.
As students move from learning to read to reading to learn, they step onto the path toward becoming active, independent, strategic academic learners. This session explains strategy intervention, which is supported by a strong body of research evidence and well-suited to the expertise and resources of school-based SLPs. The speaker discusses selecting teachable strategies, teaching through spoken interactions around written texts, connecting to the classroom, and moving strategies from SLP teaching tools toward student learning tools. The session demonstrates an evidence-based contextualized skill intervention called Sketch and Speak and discusses core teaching procedures as well as adaptations and extensions for different students and situations.
SLPs have noted the diagnostic challenge of distinguishing between the clinical indicators of language disorder, language delay based on the impacts of being reared in poverty, and the linguistic variation of students who speak African American English (AAE). This session discusses evidence-based assessment and treatment practices that SLPs can utilize when working with speakers of AAE and other nonmainstream dialects to help them identify students with true language and literacy disorders and provide needed interventions in a timely manner.
This session addresses the connection between oral and written language as it applies to service delivery for school-age children. The speakers explore incorporating children’s literature in treatment, meeting states’ curricular standards, and using various service delivery models that support language intervention in schools.
This session examines the difference between disciplinary literacy and content-area literacy and takes an in-depth look at the various intricacies of the disciplines. The speaker shares a thinking-points questionnaire to help SLPs collaborate with content-area teachers and determine students’ language needs.
This session examines methods for gathering written language samples and the rich findings SLPs may gain about a child’s or adolescent’s knowledge of language and related skills, including discussion of advantages and limitations of more- and less-structured assessment methods. The speaker discusses how to apply a language-levels model for analyzing discourse, sentences, word choices, and lexical and sublexical word-structure knowledge and how to use that information to plan goals and language interventions targeting written expression and more.
This session describes the foundational skills of literacy as defined by the National Literacy Panel Report and describes the methods for differentiating language and literacy instruction for school-age students who are learning English. The speaker models evidence-based strategies and provides resources for implementation.
The learning characteristics of children with severe disabilities necessitate collaboration with families and professionals to determine goals and objectives of literacy instruction. This session provides an overview of the SLP’s key role in literacy instruction and describes student learning characteristics and research-based literacy instruction for students with severe disabilities.
Do you find that your students can answer questions about stories but are not able to tell stories themselves or tell about a personal experience? This session explores strategies for assessing narrative discourse skills, implementing oral narrative intervention strategies, and measuring progress. Strategies can apply to students of all ages.
Speech sound disorders (SSDs) exist along a spectrum of severity and abilities, with many involving both the motoric and the phonological system. As a result, many children with SSDs experience related issues with the phonological skills needed for word reading and spelling. This session reviews the Simple Views of Reading and of Writing and connects those theories to assessment practices. The speaker discusses ideas for adapting speech sound intervention activities to include phonological awareness, decoding, and spelling.
In order to best serve adolescent students transitioning to post-secondary settings, SLPs have to keep the end in mind. What are students’ college and/or career goals and how can we use current research on what employers want and what entry-level college courses expect to best prepare them for their future? In this session, the speaker discusses tools to modify intervention plans to incorporate current evidence in neurodiversity and self-determination theory as well as strategies for collaboration with a focus on student strengths.
What's an SLP to Do? Make Sure Children Have the Phonological Awareness Skills that Underlie Word Reading and Word Writing
This recorded session from ASHA’s 2021 Schools Connect online conference explores what dyslexia is and what the SLP’s role can be in prevention, identification, and intervention. Legislation varies widely across and within U.S. states regarding roles and responsibilities when it comes to diagnosing and treating dyslexia. The speaker shares resources for how to determine your state’s dyslexia legislation as well as tips for advocating for services for students with dyslexia.
This recorded session from ASHA’s 2021 Schools Connect online conference presents an evidence-based balanced literacy approach as a model for assessment and intervention that targets aspects of literacy beyond decoding and comprehension, such as morphology and orthography. The presenter also discusses considerations for culturally responsive assessment and intervention.
On Demand Webinar
This on demand webinar explores the foundational theory and key components of a language-based literacy model to guide assessment and intervention for adolescents who struggle with language and/or literacy development. The speaker discusses a multilinguistic literacy approach—i.e., a focus of explicit reflection on the foundational skills of sounds (phonology), letters (orthography), meaning (morphology), vocabulary (semantics), and grammar (syntax) in the context of written language. The webinar discusses variations of this type of language-focused literacy approach to improve the literacy skills of adolescents at risk for and diagnosed with developmental language disorders, dyslexia, and reading comprehension and spelling deficits.
On Demand Webinar
Two big challenges in evaluating dual language learners with reading disorders are determining the (1) best testing tools and (2) language for assessment. This webinar explores specific components of a reading assessment for children who are bilingual and shares interventions that can facilitate reading across languages.
Journal (Online)
Studies have shown that grammar is foundational to a child’s communication and academic growth. SLPs who work with children with development language disorders (DLD) – regardless of the etiology of the disorder – need effective research-based grammar interventions in their toolbox. The articles in this journal self-study (selected from a Language, Speech, and Hearing Services in Schools forum, “Morphosyntax Assessment and Intervention for Children”) describe evidence-based approaches for grammar assessment and treatment and provide tools to support goal-setting and progress monitoring. The articles discuss new approaches and practical implications for practice.
On Demand Webinar
This on demand webinar explores the context and nature of culturally responsive practices in literacy instruction to improve future success and quality-of-life outcomes for underserved students. Speakers discuss best practices for inclusiveness and advocacy when working with underserved students and how to collaborate with classroom educators to provide culturally relevant literacy instruction.
On Demand Webinar
Developmental trauma has deleterious effects on social skills, cognitive abilities, and learning due to changes in the brain in response to these experiences. This on demand webinar will discuss relevant research and speech-language treatment approaches for children and adolescents who have experienced developmental trauma. This webinar – part of the SIGnature Series – was developed by SIG 1: Language Learning and Education.
On Demand Webinar
This course discusses the role of teachers in the referral process for children and adolescents with developmental language disorder (DLD) who speak a nonmainstream dialect. The speaker discusses nonmainstream American English (NMAE) dialects, the role of interprofessional practice within the schools, teacher referrals for special education services, and guidelines that SLPs can use when collaborating with teachers to make appropriate referrals for students with DLD who speak NMAE.
This session explores the school-based SLP’s role—and how they can advocate for that role—in assessing students’ literate language skills as part of a comprehensive language assessment. The speaker outlines the essential components of a comprehensive language assessment and discusses how to interpret patterns of strengths and weaknesses, with implications for intervention planning. This session is a recorded session from ASHA’s 2020 Schools Connect conference.
This session—a recorded session from ASHA’s 2020 Schools Connect conference—demonstrates how to use a language-levels model (i.e., sound, word, sentence, discourse) to explain relationships across oral and written language modalities and to advocate for the role SLPs play in literacy intervention. The speaker discusses how and why intervention strategies differ based on students’ target goals, strengths, and weaknesses. The session explores how and why certain intervention strategies are best to target the sound/word structure knowledge that is essential for reading, decoding, spelling, and vocabulary learning, while other strategies are good for working on the sentence/discourse and vocabulary knowledge that is essential for language comprehension and formulation.
On Demand Webinar
This webinar explores the nature and typical development of speech sound production in children under age 3 with and without language delays or disorders. The speakers discuss best practices for assessment of speech abilities in young children as well as family-centered strategies to facilitate speech sound development within everyday activities and routines in early intervention.
Streaming Video
Children with spoken language disorders often experience difficulties with reading as well. SLPs – particularly those working in school-based settings – have a responsibility to prevent, assess, and treat reading impairments. In this video course, presenter Kelly Farquharson will discuss how SLPs can approach this important clinical need from a robust and empirically supported theoretical framework, the Simple View of Reading.
On Demand Webinar
This on demand webinar explains self-regulated strategy development (SRSD), an instructional approach for strengthening students’ writing abilities. Speaker Michael Hebert introduces and models the approach and discusses how to implement it effectively.
Journal (Online)
A 2019 Language, Speech, and Hearing Services in Schools forum, Vocabulary Across the School Grades, presented evidence that strong vocabulary is important for students’ literacy and overall academic success across grade levels. The articles in this journal self-study course describe effective instructional strategies for facilitating vocabulary growth and improving reading comprehension in middle and high school students. The authors present recommendations and implications for practice.
On Demand Webinar
This on demand webinar focuses on how to identify strengths and weaknesses in written language samples by conducting written transcription analyses. The speaker discusses how to assess written language skills of children and adolescents with developmental language disorders at the word, sentence, and discourse levels. The speaker also highlights how to observe and identify the cognitive, linguistic, and motor skills that need improvement for a student to engage successfully in the writing process.
On Demand Webinar
This on demand webinar will discuss identification of and intervention for dyslexia, focusing on the critical role the SLP plays on the school-based literacy team. The speaker will dispel myths about dyslexia diagnosis and treatment, discuss how to apply criteria to identify dyslexia in the context of other disorders, and identify evidence-based practices for treating children with dyslexia.
On Demand Webinar
This on demand webinar will discuss the core elements of the writing process to inform SLPs’ work with school-age children and adolescents with and without developmental language disorders. The speaker will highlight theoretical frameworks and current research that speak to the acquisition and improvement of cognitive, linguistic, and motor skills that are required for writing.
This is a companion webinar to the “Fundamentals of Assessing Writing Samples” webinar.
Best Seller
Streaming Video
Young children with communication impairments, especially language disorders, face elevated risks in developing reading problems. SLPs play an important role in helping young children with language disorders develop foundational literacy skills that can enhance their literacy and reading trajectories. This video course provides evidence-based guidance on how to modify treatment to improve the foundational literacy skills of young children with language disorders.
Best Seller
On Demand Webinar
A strong vocabulary is essential to social, academic, and professional success. Many people on the SLP's caseload learn words slowly and, as a result, accrue a small, limited vocabulary. The good news is that word learning is a fairly tractable problem space. This webinar explores different approaches to word learning and how best to tailor word teaching to your clients.