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24 Products

Audiology Clinical Report Writing Manual
Format(s): Books
The Audiology Clinical Report Writing Manual is a resource for students and early-career professionals to enhance their skills in clinical documentation.
Audiology Clinical Report Writing Manual Best Buy
Format(s): Books
The Audiology Clinical Report Writing Manual is a resource for students and early-career professionals to enhance their skills in clinical documentation.
Paws for Progress
Format(s): Books
Paws for Progress Integrating Animal-Assisted Interventions Into Your Speech-Language Pathology Practice
Member: $39.99 $27.99
Nonmember: $59.99 $41.99
Best Seller
Exploring Cultural Responsiveness: Guided Scenarios for Communication Sciences and Disorders (CSD) Professionals
Format(s): Books
ASHA’s Multicultural Issues Board has compiled this collection of thought-provoking, guided scenarios for audiologists and speech-language pathologists. This personal workbook will expand upon the knowledge that you have about the relationships between culture, communication, language, and clinical practice, and will challenge the ways you think about how culture impacts every aspect of your professional work.
Speech-Language Pathologists as Expert Witnesses
Format(s): Books
This groundbreaking book provides a comprehensive resource for speech-language pathologists who may already serve as expert witnesses, for those wanting to broaden their practice to include expert witnessing and for those who may find themselves involved in a dispute or due process hearing. Complex concepts are explained through numerous case studies as examples of disputes in all work settings.
So You Want to Talk About Race
Format(s): Books
Ijeoma Oluo guides readers of all races through subjects ranging from intersectionality and affirmative action to "model minorities" in an attempt to make the seemingly impossible possible: honest conversations about race and racism, and how they infect almost every aspect of American life.
This SLP Life: Powerful Self-Care Practices to Embrace Change
Format(s): Books
A book for SLPs who are ready to reconnect with their vision, their courage, and their voice.
Voice Therapy: Clinical Case Studies, 5th Edition
Format(s): Books
Through concise patient histories, pre- and post-treatment evaluations, and tailored therapeutic approaches, this classic text addresses assessment, management, and treatment/therapy approaches for a range of voice disorders as well as for muscle tension dysphonia, glottal incompetence and neurogenic disorders, and professional voice care.
Strategic Practice Management: Business Considerations for Audiologists and Other Healthcare Professionals, 3rd Edition
Curriculum-Based Speech Therapy Activities, Volume 1
Format(s): Books
This book includes teacher- and speech-language pathologist–tested materials that
Curriculum-Based Speech Therapy Activities, Volume 2
Format(s): Books
This book includes teacher- and speech-language pathologist–tested materials that
Best Seller
Private Practice Essentials
Format(s): Books
Whether you are a speech-language pathologist new to private practice or have an established practice and want to hone your skills, Private Practice Essentials gives you the business know-how you need to reach your goals.
Phonological Awareness Training Program: A Speech Language Pathologist’s Tool for Training Teachers
Format(s): Books
The Phonological Awareness Training Program (PATP) is a complete resource for speech-language pathologists who want to provide professional development for classroom educators in phonological awareness knowledge, skills, and instructional methods to improve children’s literacy outcomes.
Speech Motor Control in Normal and Disordered Speech: Future Developments in Theory and Methodology
Format(s): Books
This book offers insights into the complex nature of speech motor control in both adults and children, and covers new developments in methodology, technology, and modeling.
Best Seller
RTI in Action, Grades 3—5: Oral and Written Language Activities for the Common Core State Standards
Format(s): Books
Written for SLPs and teachers working in grades 3–5, this book follows-up on the popular RTI in Action: Oral Language Activities for K–2 Classrooms.An increasing number of school districts in the United States have adopted a Response to Intervention (RTI) model to provide support to general education students within the classroom. The majority of states also have adopted the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) to guide instruction and prepare students for college and careers.
From 1 to 9: $59.00
10 or more: $53.10
From 1 to 9: $77.00 $53.90
10 or more: $69.30 $48.51
Translational Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology

Out of stock
Format(s): Books
Translational research has been conducted for decades and yet, despite the promotion of this “bench-to-bedside” approach by the National Institutes of Health since 2006, its adoption by the professions of speech-language pathology and audiology has been relatively scant and mostly individual.
Gabby: A Story of Courage and Hope
Format(s): Books
The story of Gabrielle Giffords and Mark Kelly is a reminder of the power of true grit, the patience needed to navigate unimaginable obstacles, and the transcendence of love.
The Digital Divide
Format(s): Books
This book explores the perils and promise of the social-media revolution through a collection of writings by today's best thinkers and cultural commentators, with an all-new introduction by Bauerlein.
Best Seller
RTI in Action: Oral Language Activities for K–2 Classrooms
Format(s): Books
RTI in Action: Oral Language Activities for K–2 Classrooms capitalizes on the power of collaboration between speech-language pathologists (SLPs) and teachers. Designed to enhance K–2 students’ oral language skills, the book offers practical activities based on general education curricular standards and provides specific, straightforward strategies to help SLPs and teachers modify instruction.
From 1 to 9: $49.00
10 or more: $44.10
From 1 to 9: $64.00 $44.80
10 or more: $57.50 $40.25
Damn Shoes and Other Talking Tales
Format(s): Books
A selection of true narratives about people who directly and indirectly experience communication disorders.
Evidence-Based Practice-Issue of CICSD
Format(s): Books
Designed as a clinical reference for graduate student clinicians, clinical fellows, clinical supervisors, and practicing clinicians, this issue of CICSD provides you with everything you need to know about Evidence-Based Practice. Articles include: Information Retrieval: Where’s Your Evidence? ; The Art (and Science) of Building an Evidence Based Portfolio; Interpreting & Maintaining the Evidence plus many more.
From 1 to 9: $12.00
10 or more: $10.80
From 1 to 9: $17.00 $11.90
10 or more: $15.30 $10.71
Guide to Success in Doctoral Study and Faculty Work
Format(s): Books
Provides information on how to select a doctoral program and a mentor, what to expect in a doctoral program, and the type of doctoral experiences that will be important to you in your future work. It will also help you prepare for faculty job interviews and orient you to your new role as a teacher scholar.
Successful Operations in the Treatment Outcomes Driven World of Managed Care
Format(s): Books
Provides information regarding the changing health care delivery environment, including the basics on managed care and treatment outcomes. Discusses the relationship between managed care and treatment outcomes and provides details regarding documentation parameters, the need for data and its availability, and the role of informatics.
The Clinical Interview: A Guide for Speech-Language Pathologists and Audiologists
Format(s): Books
Serves as a resource on the interviewing and counseling aspects of our professions. Discusses obtaining and giving information to the client, family, and/or significant others and is written from an interdisciplinary viewpoint. Replaces Clinical Series 9.

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