A Forum on Pediatric Hearing Health Care Disparities
A Forum on Pediatric Hearing Health Care Disparities
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This SIG 9 activity includes three articles from the forum on pediatric hearing health care disparities. Warner-Czyz and colleagues present a research article on barriers to follow-up in Early Hearing Detection and Intervention (EHDI) programs. They report research on examining barriers to the EHDI process by comparing census-based variables at the state and region level for national and Texas EHDI outcomes. Their results show that nationally, higher labor force participation, lower unemployment rates, and presence of health insurance significantly correlated with higher rates of completing EHDI benchmarks. Conclusions indicate that both state and nationwide data have a strong link between socioeconomic factors and EHDI follow-through. There is a high need to increase attention to families of children with hearing loss who are underserved, live far from resources, and have economic challenges. Richlin et al. share a clinical focus article that includes a systematic evaluation of family barriers and an interview with an expert in hearing health care disparities, Dr. Matthew Bush. The authors compile data from available literature and the interview including demographics, themes, and available interventions. They identify entry barriers in the categories of steps, proximity, health care literacy, and systemic inequalities. They conclude that only through evolution of existing systemic bias and harmful structures can we make meaningful change. The viewpoint article by Sprouse focuses on trauma-informed care, examining the impact of trauma, investigating the principles of trauma-informed care, and identifying ways to implement it in pediatric hearing health care. As providers, working with children and families who experienced or are experiencing trauma need training to give a trauma-informed approach. Children with hearing loss who have experienced trauma and adverse experiences need consideration with trauma-informed techniques incorporated into their hearing health care treatment plan.

Learning Outcomes
You will be able to:

  • connect two barriers to early hearing detection and intervention follow-up with two potential solutions to reducing loss to follow-up
  • categorize disparities in hearing health care
  • discuss the signs and symptoms of secondary traumatic stress experienced by providers

Assessment Type
Self-assessment—Think about what you learned and report on the Completion Form how you will use your new knowledge.

Articles in This Course

  1. Barriers to Follow-Up in Early Hearing Detection and Intervention Programs by Andrea D. Warner-Czyz, Sarah Crow, Andrea Gohmert, Stephanie Williams, and Michael Romero, published in SIG 9, published online January 30, 2024
  2. Living in the Void Between Hearing Health Care Encounters: Evaluation of the Barriers Families Face by Blair C. Richlin, Kristina M. Blaiser, and Matthew Bush, published in SIG 9, published online September 25, 2023
  3. Advancing Clinical Decision Making Through Trauma-Informed Care in Pediatric Hearing Health Care by Brittney J. Sprouse, published in SIG 9, published online January 30, 2024

Continuing Education

3/1/2024 to 3/1/2029

Product Information

Item #(s): S09102907
Client Age: Children
Format(s): SIG Perspectives
Language: English

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