NOMS Audiology Registry Subscription
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NOMS Audiology Registry Subscription
Only one subscription per individual per purchase. Subscription not transferable to another person. Note: This subscription is for nonmembers only. As a member, you are eligible to participate in the NOMS registry without a subscription fee. The Audiology NOMS registry is a voluntary data collection system that illustrates the value of audiology services. An audiologist who is not a member of ASHA must purchase a subscription to the registry in order to participate in data collection and reporting. An annual subscription to the Audiology NOMS registry provides you with - 12-month access to participate in data collection and reporting;
- the tools to submit your patient information to the registry, including the patient’s audiological status measured with speech perception measures and patient-reported outcomes;
- access to customizable outcome reports that benchmark your organization’s data against the national data; and
- data that you can use to improve the quality of your services, demonstrate the value of audiological intervention, and advocate for the profession.
After purchase, your organization’s NOMS subscriber will be able to add you to their list of eligible NOMS participants. Before your Audiology Registry Subscription expires, you will be contacted about renewing the subscription. Nonmember audiologists who wish to continue participating in data collection must renew their subscription on an annual basis.