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Talking on the Go
Talking on the Go
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All parents and caregivers, no matter how busy, want to provide their children with the most stimulating environment for learning and using language. They are increasingly being made aware about the potential consequences of young children overusing devices such as tablets and smartphones. Talking on the Go can help them to put down the tech and start talking! A trip to the supermarket, taking a ride, playing outside, or doing everyday activities at home provide great opportunities for developing speech and language skills.
Talking On the Go is loaded with everyday activities to enhance speech and language development in four major areas:

  • building vocabulary
  • listening and speech production
  • reading and writing readiness
  • participation in conversations

Talking On the Go offers simple and fun suggestions for parents and caregivers to use in a variety of settings. Activities are geared for children from birth through age 5.
The spiral-bound book includes a pull-out poster and access to an eBook with printable pages.  
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Product Information

Item #(s): 0113630, WEB15223
Client Age: Children
Format(s): Books, eBook
Language: English
Author: Dorothy P. Dougherty, MA, CCC-SLP, Diane R. Paul, PhD, CCC-SLP

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