Strategic Practice Management: Business Considerations for Audiologists and Other Healthcare Professionals, 3rd Edition
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Strategic Practice Management: Business Considerations for Audiologists and Other Healthcare Professionals, 3rd Edition
As a member benefit, all prices are marked 10% off the list price. This text covers virtually every current area of practice management and is an excellent resource for any health care practitioner considering a startup venture, purchasing an ongoing practice, or reinventing their current practice—or for those interested in sharpening their clinical service delivery model in the current competitive arena. The 3rd edition contains contributions from expert authors. Their insight provides the reader with resources for the operational and business management of the practice setting, including development of an appropriate business plan; startup and long-term planning; essential legal considerations; fiscal monitoring and methods to assess the ongoing financial health of the practice; reimbursement capture; patient and referral source management; human resource issues, including compensation strategies; and much more. New chapters include: - Legal Considerations in Practice Management
- Deliberations on Ethics in the Practice of Audiology
- Itemizing Professional Hearing Care Services
- Office Management Systems
- Audiology in the Insurance System
- Management Implications for Audiology Practice
- Competition in Audiology Practice
- Professional Selling Techniques
768 pages, hardcover *ASHA offers these products as a convenience. Inclusion in ASHA promotional material does not imply ASHA endorsement of any publisher, author, product, program, viewpoint, or technique. Prices are subject to change.