Quality of Communication Life Scale (ASHA QCL)
Quality of Communication Life Scale (ASHA QCL)
Certified Nonmember: $112.00
Member: $99.00 $69.30
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The ASHA QCL emerged from a widespread need for a reliable and valid instrument designed specifically for assessing the quality of communication life for adults with communication disorders. Quality of communication life is defined as the extent to which a person’s communication acts—influenced by personal and environmental factors, and filtered through a person’s own perspective—allow meaningful participation in life situations.

The ASHA QCL captures information about the impact of a communication disorder on an adult’s relationships; communication; interactions; participation in social, leisure, work, and education activities; and overall quality of life. It is intended to provide information about the psychosocial, vocational, and educational effects of having a communication impairment. The ASHA QCL was found to be a valid measure of the quality of communication life for use with adults with neurogenic communication disorders (i.e., aphasia, cognitive communication disorders, and dysarthria).

The ASHA QCL can be used to assist with treatment planning, prioritization of goals, counseling, and documentation of outcomes. The ASHA QCL may be used to supplement other measures of impairment or functional communication. It is an ideal complement to the ASHA FACS. The average time to complete the scale is 15 minutes.

Funding support for developing the ASHA QCL came, in part, from Grant H133G970055 awarded to ASHA from the U.S. Department of Education, National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research.

For ASHA members and ASHA certified nonmembers only. 

Product Information

Item #(s): 0112697
Format(s): Assessment Tools
Language: English
Author: Diane R. Paul, PhD, Carol M. Frattali, PhD, Audrey L. Holland, PhD, Cynthia K. Thompson, PhD, Carol J. Caperton, Sarah C. Slater